The foundation of a sound safety program lies in thoroughly tested & dependable protective equipments

The dielectric test lab division at Power Line Supply features a full-line of personal protective equipment from arc-rated clothing to protective rubber goods such as gloves, sleeves, blankets, hoses, and live-line tools.
Our facility is North American Independent Laboratories (NAIL) accredited, ensuring that personal protective equipment is tested per ASTM, IEEE, OSHA, and ANSI specifications. The testing division specializes in testing programs to fit the customer needs per the OSHA requirements.
We also provide mobile testing on site for insulating aerial devices, insulating bucket liners, hot sticks, live-line tools, and portable grounding jumpers.
Our staff is highly committed and qualified to providing the best service in the industry. Power Line Supply's attention to detail will not be equaled. Let us assist you with personalizing your change out requests.